
boy or girl?


Tomorrow is the day! At 1:50pm we will be taking the journey to the doctor's office to find out if we are having a girl or a boy. We have picked out names for both and are split on what we want. Mikey wants a boy super bad and I want a girl. Come on have you seen some of the cute little dresses they have out there?!  This evening I had some fun and took a few of those silly what are you having quizes
2 said girl and 1 said boy. Either way we will be so happy to see that cute little face on the screen tomorrow. Just like last time I am sure I'll cry so hard that the lady will have trouble getting a good picture, silly hormones! I'll hopefully get some time to update tomorrow! Wish us luck.


1 comment:

  1. Rooting for team pink!! Can't wait to hear either way!
