
week of 12/28/09 JUMPSTART

I am watching Julie & Julia and drinking homemade hot coco. My life is bloody amazing! I can't think of much else to say. Here is my weekly jumpstart. I am so excited to work on the house and all of my little projects!

1) I am going to learn to do this in the next few days!

2) I want to make one of these. For my pretty new bed. So excited!

3) This is amazing.

4) I love that it's snowing! LOVE IT! P.S. I need to move someplace it looks like this in the winter.


5) I love being in love.


6) Office closets! Which I will have one soon. My closet is way bigger than this though.

7) I need this wood grain contact paper. For everywhere. Everywhere.

8)  After this movie I need to see this. I am slightly obsessed with anything french.

I am so excited for this week!

1 comment:

  1. I want to learn to make granny squares soooooo bad! I want to make a big blanket out of them :)
